
Rank Theory: in-the-trenches SEO info you won’t get anywhere else

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What you’ll find in the Rank Theory newsletter:

  • deep SEO insights
  • goes-down-smooth writing
  • highly palatable shitmemes

Here’s what you can look forward to in the next issue of Rank Theory:

my write-up of an obsessive study of what it means to build a brand

sign up to read that thing:

Sean is one of the few people I keep in touch with privately about all things SEO. There aren’t as many people obsessed about staying on top of what’s working as him.

Glen Allsopp,

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Sean’s Rank Theory is a must read. Sean’s personality shines with his rants that make you think he’s your beer drinking buddy… and then he switches over and delivers some of the best resources and advice in the SEO industry. Stop reading this and just subscribe.

Nick Leroy,

Once more with feeling: Sign up! 👇

Curated By

Sean Markey

Record scratch

*freeze frame*

Yep, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I got here…

I’ve been a director of SEO an agency. I’ve had multiple six-figure exists. If there’s a stupid mistake, I’ve made it. These days I love reading about SEO, experimenting, and writing about SEO. I live in Vermont; it’s amazing.

Learn more about me here on the About page.